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October 9, 2016
strange my original comment seems to have gotten erased- I used 3/4 cup olive oil, and it worked like charm. Thank you Shauna!
August 28, 2013
Thank you. I like dates, as well as date sugar. But remember when you are subbing dry sweeteners for liquid sweeteners, you have some fiddling to do!
August 28, 2013
date sugar is an option...but for the arrowroot try tapioca...I've found this to be a better one for one substitution.
August 27, 2013
BTW, the recipe looks good. I'll make it, but grumble to myself over having to waste time weighing liquids........
August 28, 2013
But if you have the scale out to measure the flours, you're not wasting time at all! In fact, it saves you time.
August 26, 2013
Anyway to get the recipe in cups? I know I should use a scale, but I have yet to convert and I'm interested in trying this recipe.
August 28, 2013
I would start at about 1/2 cup for each of the flours and the starch, totaling 1-1/2 cups total. At 210 grams, this seems about right since most measurements for AP flours weigh in at 140 grams.
August 26, 2013
I agree with Kaye -- what makes maple syrup a better option than refined sugar?
Marine V.
August 26, 2013
I love this! Can I switch some ingredients? Like another starch for arrowroot and agave for maple syrup?
August 26, 2013
how important is the arrowroot in this - its the only thing I don't have in my cupboard!
August 27, 2013
I would sub tapioca starch, potato starch, sweet rice flour, or cornstarch for the arrowroot. Hope that helps!
August 28, 2013
This is why I love baking by weight. As long as you sub in the same amount of grams, you can use whatever starch or flour you want!
August 26, 2013
But maple syrup isn't really that much different than refined white sugar. It has a few more minerals but it's still a simple carbohydrate and we all know complex carbs are far more healthy for us. I just don't think it should be presented as a healthy atlernative to white sugar when it's not significantly different nutritionally. (Nor is honey or most of the other common white sugar alternatives.)
August 26, 2013
Could one add zucchini to this? I am looking for a great gf/gf zucchini recipe. Thoughts?
August 26, 2013
Medjool dates are another great sub for sugar, and they play well with quick breads. Love that you're baking without refined sugars. Thanks for the recipe!
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