Can you freeze Brie cheese?

I have Brie cheese that is about to go bad and I don't need it right now. Would like to preserve it somehow.



ATG117 May 19, 2012
I would freeze parm. I would not freeze a runny cheese like brie. Sure, if you'd be throwing it out as opposed to freezing it, go ahead and freeze it and test it out. No loss there. But I don't think it's advisable if you hae a way around it.
ATG117 May 19, 2012
I would freeze parm. I would not freeze a runny cheese like brie. Sure, if you'd be throwing it out as opposed to freezing it, go ahead and freeze it and test it out. No loss there. But I don't think it's advisable if you hae a way around it.
nununo May 19, 2012
Some time ago I got the most amazing Parmigiano directly from Parma. But it was so big that there was no way I could eat it while still fresh so I followed someone's advice and froze it. When I got it out some weeks later it was still cheese alright, but its texture was completely different, crumby, and it had lost all its freshness.

So my rule now is: if it is really good cheese, eat it right away even if I'll choke on it. If it's just cheese I'll use for cooking, I can freeze it.
pierino May 12, 2012
Freezing a runny cheese? What a horrible thought. If you are going to freeze leftover Mac and Cheese, go ahead. But freezing a raw cheese is, how can I say it, barbaric.
LucyS May 12, 2012
Yes, you can freeze it. It will change the texture and, as Benny said, you might be better off freezing Brie you later cook with rather than eat straight, but if it's freezing it or having it go off then go ahead! Better to be able to eat it later, albeit not quite as good as fresh.
Benny May 12, 2012
I don't know about Brie specifically, but in my experience, cheese that has been frozen definitely has a different texture when thawed. When I was a submarine cook, we would freeze our american, cheddar and mozzarella cheese so it lasted longer, but when thawed, it was grittier and very crumbly.

Maybe Brie, with it's outter crust, will hold it's consistency better? If it were me, I would only freeze cheese that I planned to use in cooking with. I wouldn't freeze cheese that I planned to serve on a cracker tray.
Benny May 12, 2012
I don't know about Brie specifically, but in my experience, cheese that has been frozen definitely has a different texture when thawed. When I was a submarine cook, we would freeze our american, cheddar and mozzarella cheese so it lasted longer, but when thawed, it was grittier and very crumbly.

Maybe Brie, with it's outter crust, will hold it's consistency better? If it were me, I would only freeze cheese that I planned to use in cooking with. I wouldn't freeze cheese that I planned to serve on a cracker tray.
farm T. May 12, 2012
I've been happy freezing just about anything. Raw fruits and vegetables can be problematic because the moisture is held together by their delicate cellular structure, which is easily broken by ice crystals and you end up with a watery mess when this happens. That's why you usually par-boil vegetables before freezing them at home or in the case of commercial packers use a flash freezer. With brie, this wouldn't be an issue.

The trick to successful freezing is to use a vacuum sealer to avoid freezer burn for anything being stored more than a couple weeks. I've never frozen brie, but I've recently pulled some liver mousse out of the freezer that was perfect. The mousse has a close proportion of fat, protein and liquid to brie, but my guess is the brie would hold up as well or better given the fact that the proteins in the brie bind it together.
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