Sauce for pasta with tomatoes, corn, bacon, spinach

and roasted poblano chiles (is that too busy?) I have better and milk, Parm, lemons, limes. Could I just use eggs as in Carbonara?



pierino July 27, 2012
This sounds like an episode of "Chopped". Starting with the corn I would tie it up tight with kitchen twine and throw it on a hot grill or perhaps even on a kitchen burner to char a bit. Meanwhile wash and blanch your spinach. Chop and melt the bacon down. Discard most but not all of the fat. Chop the tomatoes and add to the pan you've cooked the bacon in. Hit them with salt and pepper. The "meanwhile" step next; start your pasta---best would be a short form. Strip the kernels from the corn. Melt the tomatoes down a bit in the bacon pan. Combine bacon and other ingredients in the pan along with the cooked pasta. Taste for seasoning. Sorry, but I can't find a place for the poblanos here.
JanetFL July 28, 2012
Pierino, this sounds yummy!
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