I am unable to enter a recipe I've already added to the current contest-- the edit button is not appearing

Usually I click on the recipe I want to add, clock edit, then enter the contest in the drop-down menu and republish, but the edit button is not coming up. I'd like to enter my recipe Thai Inspired Asparagus Salad to the current contest-- sorry to subject everyone to this question but I do not see another way to contact the site editors!



TheFritschKitchen November 6, 2015
Hi Michael - This is the recipe:


It has only been submitted to the contest, nothing else yet. I have also emailed [email protected]. I am missing a step of when to add some of the ingredients.
Michael H. November 6, 2015
Thanks, TheFritschKitchen. The contest the recipe is entered in is in the testing phase, and so we prevent it from being edited so that we have a stable recipe to test. I'm sure the nice folks who answer your email can add the missing step back for you though.
clintonhillbilly October 2, 2013
Hi Michael-- I am logged in--tried logging in and out but it did not help. I noticed, however, that the edit button does appear for my other recipes. Are you not permitted to edit a recipe that was a contest finalist? I will email the help desk.
TheFritschKitchen November 6, 2015
Hi - were you able to figure this issue out? I am having the same problem. I can edit my recipes that are not in the contest, but cannot edit the one recipe that is in the contest. Help please!
Michael H. November 6, 2015
Hi, TheFritschKitchen: We don't allow editing of recipes that have received certain accolades, such as contest winners. If you point me toward the recipe that's giving you trouble at the moment, I can let you know what the deal is with it. :) Also, please feel free to email [email protected] with questions like this one.
Michael H. September 30, 2013
Clintonhillbilly, sorry to hear you're having problems. You can always contact [email protected] with support questions. We like to keep this forum about food and cooking.

As for the edit button being missing: is it possible you're not logged in? Or that your not logged in as the user who published that recipe? Either of these would cause the edit button not to appear. Please let me know if that was the problem. Thanks!
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