Do you just use one of the herbs mentioned or do you combine them?

Green Coconut Rice
Recipe question for: Green Coconut Rice


Nancy June 30, 2014
I sometimes find herbs I only half-life work better than expected. Why not make it in sequence with each of the 4 herbs, then decide which to use depending on how it tastes to you. Also, choose depending on what you have easily available.
Chrissie G. June 29, 2014
I've done it both ways and thought it was good. Depends on your mood. I hope you enjoy it!
Chrissie G. June 29, 2014
I've done it both ways. Just one, or combined. De
Susan W. June 29, 2014
You could use any combination of one or more of those herbs. My choice would probably be cinantro and basil or mint. Whatever sounds good to you is what you should do. :0)
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