is it ok to brine a 5lb turkey breast for four days?

  • Posted by: Angelina
  • November 24, 2014


Angelina November 25, 2014
Time management - very busy schedule - trying to get as much done in advance so I can enjoy my family. I braised the turkey breast last nite - texture and taste were great after 24 hour brine. Glad I asked and got wonderful feedback. I will slice and reheat in homemade gravy - happy thanksgiving to all!
SKK November 25, 2014
Why do you want to brine for that long? What is the backstory?
bigpan November 24, 2014
I see no reason to brine more than overnight.
Rather than run the risk of being disappointed with a brine taste, stick to the usual 24 hours or overnight.
IF your final product seems a bit dry (and it shouldn't) simply pour on the gravy !
ChezHenry November 24, 2014
At four days you are pickling it! No need to go that long!
amysarah November 24, 2014
Even with a whole turkey, though it improves the flavor/juiciness, I find the texture of the breast meat unpleasant - kind of like ham, but spongier - with even a 3-day brine (I do dry.) This year I'm doing maybe 1.5 days.
nutcakes November 24, 2014
Well, if you don't mind your turkey becoming a bit ham like.
davidpdx November 24, 2014
Trustworthy techniques I have read about say 12 hours is about right. More, and especially significantly more, will seriously change the texture of the meat, and not for better.
sfmiller November 24, 2014
Is there a reason why you want or need to brine for that long? For extra moistness and insurance against overcooking, overnight is more than enough time for a turkey breast of that size.

The longer the brining continues, the more the meat's flavor and texture will change as the meat cures from the salt--and not necessarily for the better. After four days, the change will be pretty significant.
Bunnee B. November 24, 2014
Serious Eats has a long explanation about brining turkey which may be of interest to you. They actually recommend dry brining rather than liquid brine.
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