Is the liquid in the bottom of a rotisserie chicken package useable? Or it is full of icky chemicals?

I surfed a bit and many seem to use it to add to stock or for frying potatoes. What say you - wonderful ingredient or evil industrial sludge?

Uncle Jess


cookbookchick July 25, 2015
I use the juices all the time. Melted for a little sauce or dumped into a stock pot with the bones when we're done eating the meat.
Misty July 24, 2015
Yes, get info on how they are packaged and heated/stored if you are worried, but if you are going to eat the chicken, then the cooking juices that leached out of it into the same container as it was held shouldn't be too much different. The way I look at it-since I paid for the entire package, I might as well put my money to good use.
Sam1148 July 24, 2015
We're made of chemicals too.
Susan W. July 25, 2015
Obviously there are good chemicals and bad. Simplistic, but true.
Susan W. July 24, 2015
We do always focus on BPA, but plastic has other things we don't want. The chicken is just placed and held into the package. Not heated in it. That's good news. I'd get info on their methods and packaging.
PieceOfLayerCake July 24, 2015
If the liquid at the bottom is full of chemicals, so is the chicken. I wouldn't think twice about using it....but, I'm also not too concerned, generally. If you're concerned about leeching plastic, I would just give up the stuff because its everywhere.
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