What can I replace cranberries with?

I am making Ann Burrell's Cornbread & Sausage stuffing recipe for Thanksgiving. My family is not a big fan of actual cranberries(cranberry sauce from a can is about all they'll take). The recipe calls for1-2 cups of cranberries. Is there another fruit I can sub them with? Would figs or apples work??? And if so, how many cups worth?

  • Posted by: STS418
  • November 20, 2015


AntoniaJames November 20, 2015
I think snipped dried black Mission figs would be wonderful, but they are a bit sweet, so I might use a combination of figs, dried sour cherries and dried apricots. (I don't think I'd use a two whole cups.) I'd plump them up just a bit first in Gewurztraminer or Riesling; or if just using apricots, in Madeira. ;o)

P.S. You could also skip the dried fruit and use a couple of crisp tart apples, diced without peeling.
QueenSashy November 20, 2015
I would use dried apple or apricot (maybe even both), they would work very nicely with rosemary and spiciness of the sausage.
702551 November 20, 2015
The recipe in question:


calls for 2 cups of *DRIED* cranberries. Some of the recipe commenters say that quantity is too much.

My own inclination would be to substitute with ONE cup of dried cherries.

Good luck.
lloreen November 20, 2015
How about golden raisins? Dried cherries? Diced dried apricots? Diced fresh apple would be delicious, just different since the recipe calls for dried fruit.
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