Italian Butter Sandwich Cookie Recipe

Can anyone recommend a good italian butter cookie recipe to use for the sandwich cookies that are found in a good Italian deli/bakery? Those that are filled with jam and dipped on one end in chocolate and sprinkles?

Thanks in advance!

  • Posted by: Jr0717
  • December 17, 2015


sexyLAMBCHOPx December 17, 2015
Giada's recipes are reliable. Here's one but there are no sprinkles so I would just roll them after you dip the ganache on the ends.
Jr0717 December 18, 2015
Thanks for providing the link! I found the same recipe after Googling a bit, and it seems very similar to the one that Susan W also provided, so I will give it a shot this weekend. Thank you!
Susan W. December 17, 2015
I'm not sure which cookie you are referring to exactly, but this is my favorite butter cookie. It's best if you from into a log and let it rest overnight or longer.
Susan W. December 17, 2015
Form..not from.
Jr0717 December 18, 2015
Thank you for the link! Have you ever had a problem with the cookie spreading too much?
Susan W. December 18, 2015
It doesn't spread at all. Alice Medrich's recipes are quite dependable. If you can see my profile picture, it's one of the cookies with my Grandmother's china.
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