What are your favourite mezze style dishes?

For a mezze style feast for ten people. Recipes please!

Bonus: I want to make baklava cheesecake for dessert - any tips on how to go about it?

  • Posted by: Imogen
  • May 27, 2016


QueenSashy May 31, 2016
I like thinly sliced chorizo sauteed in cider
Sarah May 31, 2016
I live in the Middle East, and I make this lebheh dip to much fanfare! http://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/fried-scallion-dip-with-lebneh Serve with Arabic bread (or Egyptian bread if you can find it). It's also great with crudites.
jessicamclement May 31, 2016
i vote muhammara ! it's made with red peppers, walnuts, pomegranate molasses, onions, breadcrumbs, and spices ... it's incredible and different from the typical hummus spread for a mezze. (that being said, hummus is amazing!!)
jessicamclement May 31, 2016
(the recipe i use is from "classic lebanese cuisine" by kamal al-faqih ... but i'm sure a google search will turn something good up.)
pierino May 29, 2016
This one is just simple assembly https://food52.com/recipes/25262-spanish-fly-olives-almonds-and-anchovies but the key is to find good boquerones and meaty olives.

Another idea I borrowed from Jose Andres is simply shishito peppers just blistered in hot oil and sprinkled with Maldon salt. This ain't umami it's yo mommy callin'.
702551 May 29, 2016
I love grilled shishito peppers but they are more of an August crop than a May item here in California.
702551 May 29, 2016
Same with the padron peppers, definitely not May produce. I don't know where Imogen lives, but if it's not California, she's probably not seeing shishitos nor padrons in her local farmers market at this moment.
pierino May 30, 2016
I am in California myself and I found shishito peppers just two weeks ago, and on sale at Albertsons. Possibly they are coming from Mexico which doesn't' really bother me.
Maryam June 1, 2016
Trader Joe's usually carries Shishito Peppers in their produce section
Liz D. May 29, 2016
I made a baklava cheesecake years ago... I made a 10" cheese cake flavored with honey & baked it. I cut 10 10" circles from phyllo, layered 5 with butter, sprinkled that with ground walnuts & sugar, with a little cinnamon & clove, and layered the rest of the phyllo circles with butter & put that on top of the walnuts. I cut the top layers into 12 wedges, then baked the phyllo layer at 350 until it was golden brown. Then I poured a syrup of thinned honey (about 1/2 cup) heated with lemon peel over the baked phyllo layer, 1/4 c first then 1/4 cup 20 minutes later, then let it cool--cut it all the way through into the 12 wedges and place the wedges on top of the baked cheesecake--cut between wedges to serve
inpatskitchen May 28, 2016
Not sure about the cheesecake but here's a nice article about the meze to get you started:
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