My wife and I recently visited Vikre over the Grandma's Marathon weekend with my brother (Dan Veranth) and Tyler Hancock. My wife was had 2 (or 3)...

... of your Swedish Sno Cones. I have tried to recreate after seeing the recipe of the Food 52 blog to no success. I have tried different levels of Cream of Cassis and other ingredients and I just can not replicate the drink. I do know if it is my Cream de Cassis brand (Dekuyper) I am using but it always comes out purple instead of the red color it was at the distillery. I have attached the recipe and would greatly appreciate any help or guidance you have

Tony Veranth
Swedish Snö Cöne Cocktail
Recipe question for: Swedish Snö Cöne Cocktail


fiveandspice August 4, 2016
Hi Tony! First off, so happy you guys stopped in at the distillery! I'm pretty sure that the big difference would be because of the creme de cassis. We do make our own, in house, from local blackcurrants, so it has a much clearer, more distinct currant flavor than DeKuyper would and also is a bit less bitter and is light magenta in flavor rather than the dark purple brown of DeKuyper. You may have better luck with a creme de cassis imported from France (I like the brands listed in the recipe head note), and you may also want to add a little extra Riesling syrup since our creme de cassis is a little sweeter than some of the commercial ones. Lastly, at the distillery we infuse our Riesling syrup with a handful of chopped lemongrass that we strain out once the syrup has cooled. I left this out of the food52 recipe just to simplify it for people, but you could certainly do that when making yours.
702551 August 3, 2016
The author's headnotes clearly state that they are using in-house creme de cassis. Did you try the alternate brands listed in the same headnote?
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