Chili Recipe

I want to try a chili recipe that includes cocoa powder and brown sugar. But since I have not bought a can of cocoa in the last 30 years I do not see myself using it in the future. I do have some good bittersweet/semisweet bar chocolate. Should I consider subbing in some of the bar chocolate for the cocoa and brown sugar? Offhand I would say what I have is at least 70% chocolate.



caninechef February 20, 2017
Thanks for the suggestions. Since the goal of this chili was to use ingredients I had that needed using up I did not want to actually buy stuff to make it. I did like the idea of the bulk food store though the one place I checked did not have cocoa. So I used a small amount of the semisweet bar and skipped the brown sugar in the recipe. Seemed to work fine though I had nothing to compare to. It certainly did not ruin the vat of chili I now have for lunches.
BerryBaby February 18, 2017
I head for the bulk food section at the grocery store. Love buying just what I need and it costs pennies compared to buying a whole bag/can.
SKK February 17, 2017
Buy your cocoa powder in a store that sells spices, beans, nuts, peppers, etc. bulk. Just buy what you need.
sexyLAMBCHOPx February 17, 2017
Buy a small container for the chili, splurge!, and use the rest to make
Cav February 17, 2017
I'd certainly use the bitter chocolate and add it to taste. I like to use it to deepen the flavour of a chilli but not as a a prominent aspect. Depending on the amount you're making I'd chuck in two to four chunks, let it simmer for a half hour so it can meld, then maybe add more if it needs it.

Sugar I never use in chilli or stews, so I'd leave it in the cupboard.
Nancy February 17, 2017
I have a food substitutions book which advises using 3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder, 1 to 1.5 tbsp sugar and 1/2 tbsp butter for every ounce of semisweet chocolate.
For bittersweer 1 oz, same recommendations on butter & sugar, but use only 2 tbsp cocoa.
Hope this helps.
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