Can Pasta mixed with tomato puree help a cold / flu at all ?

  • Posted by: ScotSop
  • October 6, 2017


Shannon October 8, 2017
Feed a cold, starve a fever.
ScotSop October 7, 2017
Thank you sexyLAMBCHOP. I actually feel better today after the pasta but couldn't eat much. Usually I only felt good after waking up then it would get worse throughout the day but today is different. I tried tabasco sauce from the bottle, water then pasta with passata. Got a minor sore throat but nowhere near yesterday and actually feel pretty good apart from the drowsiness
sexyLAMBCHOPx October 7, 2017
If you have a box or canned chicken stock/broth heat that up and drink it hot. I like that when sick and add some heat like horseradish, spices like Aleppo, chili or red pepper flakes or hot sauce to help with a stuffy nose and head. Feel better.
ScotSop October 6, 2017
Going to go for that pasta haha thanks for reply
702551 October 6, 2017
At this point, it's worth pointing out that the common cold and influenza are two completely different ailments.

My recommendation is for you to get off of the Internet, drink some fluids and get some rest.

Tuna's not going to help either. If it did, the Japanese would have lower incidents of colds/flu.

There are no wonder drugs for the cold nor flu.
ScotSop October 6, 2017
I was really expecting a wonder drug suggestion lol but thanks for reply. Everything else in the house is processed crap and I know that will make it worse, maybe tuna will help. Really sore throat after swallowing, having hallucinations everytime I wake up after falling asleep is starting to get on my tits
702551 October 6, 2017
Nope, sorry.

If there was any statistically significant effect, we would have recorded lower cold/flu infection rates in Italy and some other Mediterranean countries for over a century, but there has been nothing notable.

If there were, we probably would have learned about it thirty years ago.

Vitamin C may provide some very mild protection against the common cold, but it is important to note that heat destroys vitamin C.

Just enjoy the pasta and don't count on it as a wonder drug because it's not.
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