Should I freeze my pecan pie for Thanksgiving with an unbaked crust or go ahead and bake it now and freeze it cooked?



Amanda H. November 19, 2017
I would freeze it before baking. Are you planning to freeze it with the filling?
jamiesmithva November 20, 2017
which do you recommend? thx jamie
Amanda H. November 20, 2017
Actually, Merrill (my co-founder) and I chatted and we actually think it's best to fully bake it before freezing. Then, after defrosting, if you want, you can warm it in a 250F oven to re-crisp the crust (may not even be necessary).
AntoniaJames November 26, 2017
I realize that this is no longer timely for brettjackson, but for future reference, please see this:

Amanda was right the first time, at least according to the America's Test Kitchen staff who have tested this method, and whose standards for results and quality I trust.

Freeze the pie unbaked, then put it in the oven directly from the freezer, adding 30 minutes to the baking time.

That said, I'm curious whether Merrill has had a poor experience freezing pecan pies before baking, and if so, what lessons can be learned.

Thank you. ;o)
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