Can I make chili using Costco’s vegatable and barley soup as the base. It’s too salty to eat as is. I hate to throw it. Any suggestion?

Mary White


homecookin December 3, 2017
An old remedy for this is to add a potato (can cut in half) which will absorb alot of the salt. If u can add additional water and taste when done to see if the potato is too salty to keep.
Mary W. December 4, 2017
Thank you
foofaraw December 3, 2017
I would sauteed chopped onion, and cellery, then add chopped mushroom and few tomatoes (can also add thyme and rosemary) until the vegetable is a bit soft, then simmer with some of the soup water until it is the right softness, before adding the rest of the soup. Add water if not enough. Basically you make another bland soup to add with the too-salty-soup. Eat with rice.
foofaraw December 3, 2017
can also add carrot and bay leaf, or whatever vegetable and spices you normally use for chicken soup/barley soup
Mary W. December 4, 2017
Thank you
Mary W. December 4, 2017
Thank you
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