Can green tomatoes be used as substitute for tomatillos?

It’s green tomato season in New England, has anyone ever used them as a substitute in your favorite salsa verde?

  • Posted by: Judy
  • September 21, 2019


PHIL September 24, 2019
tomatillos and tomatoes are very different , they are not related so would not necessarily work the same way. They are tarter than tomatoes. I did't think green tomatoes really tasted like anything.

Judy September 24, 2019
Thanks for your reply- I did go ahead and try Rick Bayless Roasted tomatillo sauce with the green tomatoes. While texturally it is fine- the lack of flavor in tomatoes, made the peppers really stand out! Super spicy, but some would probably be happy with that!
boulangere September 21, 2019
I have not, but I used to raise tomatillos and the only remotely similar experience with abundance came from a friend who once lived in Northern Minnesota during smelt season. But that's another story.

Tomatillos are, of course smaller than tomatoes of any color. They are also significantly lower in moisture. To sub green tomatoes, I'd suggest first coring and quartering them. Then use your thumbs to gently scrape out the seed pockets, where a lot of water is stored. Afterwards, roughly chop the tomatoes and toss them with some salt (how much will depend on how many tomatoes you have, but start with a teaspoon) in a colander and let them drain for about a half hour. Last, dump them out on a clean kitchen towel (because yesterday was Climate Change Day, and we're pledging to go zero-waste, right?) and blot them dry. Go ahead with your salsa, and by all means please let us know how it turns out. I suspect you're on to something beyond fried green tomatoes.
Judy September 21, 2019
Thanks for your help and advice. I’ll let you know how it goes!
boulangere September 21, 2019
If I could figure out how, I'd post a string of clapping hands emojis.
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