Hi. How often do you wash your hands and wash your aprons,pot holders,kitchen towels ? Thank you.

  • Posted by: Irina
  • September 24, 2020


Nancy September 24, 2020
Hands - frequently and as needed.
Towels - Since the pandemic started, I wash them after one-two days use. This reflects some government or medical advice (sorry, can't remember exact source).
Aprons & pot holders - less often than the towels, mostly depending on when they get dirty as they are not touching food.
Irina September 24, 2020
Ok, Nancy. What do you understand under a term “ high hygiene regime”? Some families even doesn’t have a own washing machine and using a public laundromats.I don’t blame them.Some people prefer to save a money ( electricity bills and detergent) and do their laundry once in a week.
Nancy September 24, 2020
Irina -
I should have written more carefully. I change the towels after one or two days use. Then for economic use if resources, wash a whole bunch of things when there is enough to make a load.
Sorry, i don't know the term "high hygiene regime" or how it is used.
Irina September 24, 2020
Do you know what time of day and week is more ecomonical wash a clothing? What’s electricity company is more affordable? I always thought if I will wash a bunch of clothing in one load it won’t properly be washed. If a few towels it’s waste of energy.
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