Can I reduce the amount of heavy cream without adding butter?

I’m looking to make a Mac and cheese dish for Christmas that I saw online. It calls for:
4 1/2 cups of heavy cream
4 tablespoons of cream cheese
1 stick of butter
Along with cheese, onion, pasta, and spices
I figure the cream and butter alone is close to 5000 calories. The stick of butter is used to cook the onions so I’m already planning to use half a stick or less to reduce calories. I would also like to reduce the cream, is it possible to use half and half? I’ve substituted half milk in alfredo sauce before and it turns out okay (not as good obviously but still good). Is there a way I can do this better that it still has solid flavor and consistency while making it healthier? The recipe I’m referring to is linked below. Thank you!

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1 Comment

Nancy December 12, 2020
It's hard to say.
If the recipe is a big one (serves 10 to 12) the 450 to 500 cal per person is on the high side, but not unusual for holiday or treat meals.
If you're already tinkering with a main ingredient, I might consider ditching this recipe and making another mac n cheese.
On the other hand, if you really want to make this one but with reduced cream, make a small test batch before Christmas and decide based on the results.
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