Subbing cardamom seeds with ground

I am in the hinterlands, and cannot find cardamom seeds (or pods). How much ground cardamom should be used as substitute?

  • Posted by: LWS
  • May 8, 2021


AntoniaJames August 24, 2021
When I made this cake, I used 1 teaspoon of ground cardamom and my guests thought it was perfect, as did I. I suppose this just confirms that it depends on the cardamom - how recently was it ground? - but also on personal preference.

This is a perfectly lovely cake, by the way. i plan to bake it again this weekend for a special dinner with out-of-town guests - the slices of cake to be served with small scoops of Dori Sanders' No-Churn Lemon Ice Cream. It's a nice combo, which I recommend. ;o)
Jessica May 12, 2021
I used a tablespoon of ground and it was great! Not too overpowering, but I love cardamom.
Emily K. May 12, 2021
Oh, amazing! So glad it worked out well.
Emily K. May 10, 2021
Hi there, thanks for the great question. When we first published this recipe on our site, a couple of readers let us know that they tried this—one used a scant 1/2 tablespoon, and another used 1 teaspoon. Both were pleased with the results, so we suggest aiming for something in that range, factoring in how strong the cardamom smells and of course how much you like it!
Nancy May 9, 2021
LWS - a few suggestions.
1) Several people have said making this with ground cardamom instead of seeds gives flavor but not the pop of flavor from the whole seed.
2) Maybe buy cardamom online - alone or with other herbs and spices you may need. Here's a recent list of merchants from the kitchn site
3) If you do use ground, see this article for proportions.
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