Just curious if anyone has used different of nuts. I was thinking of making this with pistachios, since it’s such a classic combination. Just want to

Just curious if anyone has used different of nuts. I was thinking of making this with pistachios, since it’s such a classic combination. Just want to hear others’ experience.

  • Posted by: Lailan
  • September 30, 2023


TRS November 19, 2023
Macadamias! They are wonderful on this cake.
Lori T. September 30, 2023
I've not used this recipe, but I have eaten cardamom cake with pistachios in a few places. As you say, it's a pretty classic combo, and in the Middle East is not that uncommon to find both almonds and pistachios used in the cake. I've eaten it with the nuts on the top, along with a dusting of powder sugar and mixed into the cake itself. I imagine for this recipe you would want to chop the pistachios finely, and be careful to use raw nuts as well. Happy baking experiment, and try to let us know how you like the result for yourself.
Lailan October 1, 2023
Hi! I tried it with both almonds and pistachios. I blitzed the pistachios and it made sort of a baclava crust. I also added a little lemon zest and vanilla bean paste. I served it with Van Leeuwen ice cream. I gave guests a choice between cherry chocolate chip and earl gray. It was a hit! I can’t wait to try it again, but next time I want to mix in the blitzed pistachios in the batter.
Lori T. October 1, 2023
I like the idea of the combo of nuts for the crust. This cake lends itself to supporting a lot of flavor combos like that. I might even try a version myself, using Fiore di Sicilia as a flavoring instead of the vanilla. I have also served this sort of cake with ice cream, and my favorite is an espresso gelato. Combined with the cake, it's a really indulgent variation of affogato. Not for everyday, heck- with my hips it's not for more than once or twice a year- but yum anyway.
Lailan October 1, 2023
I’ve never hear of Fiore di Sicilia! I definitely am going to check it out! And Lori, everyday is worthy of being special, regardless of our hip size. Treat yourself 💞
Justin G. November 30, 2023
Hi why would I have to use raw nuts over roasted nuts ?
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