Is there chocolate in the truffle, or is it just rolled in cocoa?

Wondering if this is a copy/paste issue? I see cocoa in the ingredients list, but no chocolate, and chocolate in the instructions but no cocoa. Does one simply roll the mango mixture when cool, and then roll it in the cocoa? Or is there a dipping step too?

  • Posted by: suzy
  • September 18, 2021
Recipe question for: Sweet and Spicy Mango Truffles


Nancy September 18, 2021
If I liked the idea of a dish (chocolate mango combination in a truffle), but founf a recipe incomplete or confusing, I'd look for a better, more confidence-inspiring version elsewhere.
702551 September 18, 2021
Sadly the proofreading for this recipe is sadly lacking.

Typically ingredients should be listed in the order that they are used.

Reading the recipe instructions, it appears that you need 9 ounces of dark chocolate.

The author chose not to include a step about forming the truffle balls and rolling in cocoa.

This is not a cut-and-paste issue since writing a recipe here at Food52 requires the author to enter the ingredients one by one into a web form. Same with the individual steps. There is no cutting and pasting here.

Anyhow best of luck.
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