How can I get a spaghetti sauce stain out of my microwaveable nested storage bowls from Rossi Mepal

Nancy Carver


KLS October 13, 2021
Bleach has ALWAYS worked for me!
drbabs October 13, 2021
I found this article on how to get stains out of plastic.
She warns at the end that once tomato sauce has been cooked in a microwave, it essentially bakes into the plastic, so I hope one of these suggestions works for you.
AntoniaJames October 13, 2021
That's certainly been my experience - tomato stains forever. I learned that on a small Rubbermaid box, and since then, I've always reached for glass or ceramic. A good reminder to us all, I suppose. ;o)
Nancy C. October 13, 2021
Thanks, I’ll check that out. It hadn’t been cooked in the container, just stored.
Nancy C. October 13, 2021
I normally use glass, but my hubby was helping and I didn’t notice he’d used plastic.
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