How much to prepare for 10 to 12 guests

Alice Ciminel


Nancy December 18, 2021
Two comments in addition to what's already been written.
Quantities: if the cheese fondue is the main dish, I would follow the recipe guidelines & make three batches to serve 12. If you're serving as a side or with plenty of other dishes, maybe two batches will be enough.
Scheduling and safety. If planning to serve during the Coviď-19 pandemic, I would check on latest knowledge whether this is advisable and, if yes, how. Whom to invite? How many dipping into each pot? And so on.
702551 December 18, 2021
I doubt if any authoritative agency or source will say whether or not SARS-CoV-2 (whichever variant) can be transmitted through a hot cheese fondue.

The more pressing issue is the fact that the diners *MUST* be in very close proximity to each other to reach the fondue pot. You can't be 1.5-2 m/6 ft. apart.

Again, this is traditionally a dish shared with family or close relations.

It's up to each dinner host to decide whether or not their menu selections are appropriate for the invited guests regardless whether there's a pandemic or not.
702551 December 18, 2021
Fondue is a modest familial dish; it was not meant to be a party or banquet dish. You really need to be within arm's length of the pot.

It should be pointed out that you are continually dipping a used eating utensil into a communal serving dish, something that is more acceptable in a familial setting.

Depending on the number of tables and their layout, this would require 2-3 fondue pots serving 4-6 people each. It is unrealistic to expect one pot to serve 12 people unless in a buffet setting and you still have to contend with the utensil issue.

If you have conventional holiday party table settings with lots of wine glasses, floral arrangements, etc., the risk of accidents (spilled wine glasses, etc.) will be increased.

Best of luck.
aargersi December 18, 2021
The recipe says it serves 4 so you’ll need to at least double and maybe triple it. Also all of that is not likely to fit in your fondue pot 🫕 (hey look! A fondue emoji!) so I’d recommend making a big batch in a saucepan that you can refill from.
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