I have an unopened package for Organic French Green Lentils. I am hoping to make Lentil Soup tomorrow. There is an expiration date of 8-25-21. I have

I have an unopened package for Organic French Green Lentils. I am hoping to make Lentil Soup tomorrow. There is an expiration date of 8-25-21. I have never noticed an expiration date on dried legumes or beans before. What do you think? Use them or toss them?

Lucia from Madison


Nancy January 1, 2022
Completely agree with Deirdre C.
For more information, look at this linked entry on durations, many products good and usable beyond recommended "best by" or so-called expiry date, unopened dried lentils are good for years, but yes check for off odor, insets, mold.
Odds are they'll be ok. If not, you could use another bean in the same recipe.
Nancy January 2, 2022
should be: insects
Lucia F. January 2, 2022
Thank you
Deidre C. January 1, 2022
Happy New Year! They are probably fine. I'd give them a good once over, tho and a good rinse in cold water. If they look dried out or discolored, I might toss 'em.
Lucia F. January 2, 2022
Thank you
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