Leftover Falafel mashed up to repurpose into a stuffing or a bread coating? HELP

I have some falafel which I need to use up. I mashed them up with the idea of making them into stuffing for chicken breasts or zucchini boats. In my search there were absolutely no recipes on the internet to be found. Has anyone ever repurposed them before? I'm hoping to use them up quickly. They have lots of flavor already so do not need added spice but would need some liquid, then add maybe feta, spinach or tomatoes. Any suggestions? Should I crisp the crumbs in the oven and use like panko? Will it even crisp up? I'd hate to waste it. If you've done any of these things I'd sure like to hear from you right away or if you are a Chef and know what would work, please talk to me.

  • Posted by: Susan
  • August 19, 2022


Nancy August 19, 2022
Good ideas! Here are some how-to suggestions -
For a stuffing to serve with the chicken, follow Thanksgiving best practices and bake it in a casserole separate from the roast chicken (not in the chicken's cavity).
Because - as you say - the falafel is already spiced, I would suggest a relatively plain mixture of the already-cooked smashed-up falafel and potatoes or bread (torn, croutons, whatever). Mix, moisten to taste with broth or milk, bake.
Later, when you serve the carved chicken and stuffing, garnish with traditional falafel toppings - tahina sauce, hot sauce, pickles and/or chopped salad (cucumber and tomato).
You could also use the cooled falafel-potato stuffing instead of hash-browns, fry a wedge in a skillet and top with fried eggs. Breakfast for dinner.
Last idea, mix or bake the smashed-falafel with polenta, then use that instead of a pizza crust. Top with tomato sauce, meat or vegetable garnishes, mozzarella cheese and bake. Another week-night dinner.
Good luck with your results and please tell us how it works out :)
Susan August 19, 2022
Wow, great response!! You are so creative!! In the end I decided to dry them out in a low oven to create a falafel panko bread crumb. They smell heavenly. I might make oven baked chicken fingers or oven baked haddock, something like that. My worry was they needed to be used before they went bad. Now they are dried so I can chill out. I'm drooling over your idea for a falafel potato wedge with fried egg. Keeping that one for the future. The falafel were purchased at the local farmer's market so I can easily replenish.

Once again, Thank You so much, I believe you are ready for Chopped.
Nancy August 19, 2022
Aw shucks😁!
Glad to help…
The felafel crumbles and haddock sound great - think I’ll borrow that idea from you.
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