How to make an on-site food52 recipe work if it lacks ingredients or instructions

What to do if you like a dish or recipe here but it's incomplete & you don't get an answer when you as the hotline? Look online for a similar dish or technique. Use known reliable sites (general, like allrecipes, or specific cuisine like KAF for breads and baking). And/or look for # in parentheses, e.g. (144) which indicates home cooks who used & liked it. The more the better. Or this guide from thekitchn.

  • Posted by: Nancy
  • April 16, 2023


Fab August 2, 2023
Hi Nancy - I have been cooking for almost 35 years and this is something that takes time to grasp. i read so many blogs and recipes that I have been able to determine what might not be a good recipe. I think as you cook more and read more recipes from top bloggers and pro chefs you will get a feel for what works or doesn't work. thanks for posting that kitten link. I have been following them for years and never ran across it. I would be more than happy to answer any questions for you or provide some insight if i can. Feel free to reach out to me. Cheers!
Fab August 2, 2023
OOPS, auto correct here too....should be "kitchn link" LOL!
Nancy August 2, 2023
Fab - thanks for your comments and offer. 😁🙏
Fab August 2, 2023
My pleasure, Nancy!
Nancy April 16, 2023
oops - should read, "when you ask the food52 hotline"
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