Habainaro peppers canning recipe

a Whole Foods Market Customer


SKK August 13, 2011
@Sam1148 - I do want one of these. Someday!
Helen's A. August 13, 2011
I fail to understand the charring & peeling. Habaneros are so thin skinned this is not needed. They are best added at the last minute to anything that cooks for a long time, or else you loose their wonderful fruity flavor...
Greenstuff August 13, 2011
skk, I like this UC Davis publications too, and this one is great for peppers in general, not just the habaneros. The take-away messages of this one are for me that if you do want to can your peppers, instead of drying or freezing them, the easiest and safest method is to pickle them.
Sam1148 August 13, 2011

I think you need one of these. http://www.cuisinetechnology.com/the-smoking-gun.php

I don't have one, but maybe for B-day for xmas.
Sam1148 August 13, 2011
If you have a grill.

Char them on the grill or boiler, and remove the skins (wear powdered free gloves--trust me on that).

Then back to the grill--use some foil with wood chips to make it smoke up, Put the peppers on a wire rack and smoke them...turn off the grill (if gas) or remove..they only need about 10 mins of smoke.
When dried, store them; but better to grind them.
Use in mayo for smokey mayo with fries, fried pickles, Okra..etc.
Or use in Chili as a smokey pepper addition, or for grilled fish.
SKK August 13, 2011
This is my go to for any canning and pickling questions. And here is the how to with habaneros http://www.uga.edu/nchfp/publications/uc_davis/uc_davis_peppers.pdf
My favorite way is to dehydrate them or freeze them.
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