I plan to have leftovers when I make this, what happens to the bread? Does it get too soggy? Should I adjust when or how much I add? Or does i...

...t hold up fine in the fridge until the next day? I don't want to end up with a bowl of leftover goop because the bread disolved!

Recipe question for: Ribollita


la D. October 5, 2011
Great! No problem.
caroleann74 October 5, 2011
Perfect!! Simple solution, I appreciate your help and quick reply! :)
la D. October 5, 2011
I also planned to have leftovers when I made this dish for my husband and myself. Before adding the bread, I removed about half of the soup from the pot to a storage container. I add half the bread to the soup we planned to enjoy right then. The leftover (breadless soup) can be frozen or refrigerated until you are ready to reheat it. When you reheat the soup, toss in the bread pieces once you've got the soup to a simmer and you're good to go. Does that make sense?
Cheazza October 27, 2011
If only I had read this last night! Bread was quite soggy/falling apart when I had it as leftovers for lunch today.

Great tip, will definitely keep it in mind next time.
la D. October 27, 2011
Joe, sorry about that. :( One way to salvage that situation would be to kind of turn the soup into a casserole. Put it in an oven safe dish with plenty of grated cheese on top and bake it like a lasagna- instead of soggy soup you've got a hearty casserole.
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