What mandolin would you recommend I buy?



pierino October 25, 2011
Benriners are fine for one thing---slicing. But if you want to cut a pile of pomme frites or waffle cut fries you really do need those extra blades and cutters. For small jobs, say slicing radishes, I use a little Kyocera hand slicer with a ceramic blade which stays sharp. It has four adjustable settings. But for big jobs Robespierre comes out. On the Matfer the reversible blade is easy to replace if it becomes dull.
Helen's A. October 25, 2011
I love my Mafter... I use it all the time!
Greenstuff October 24, 2011
Echoing Sam 1148: I also use a Benriner. The expensive options allow for a lot more control over a bigger range. Super instruments, but for most of us, the simpler option is both good enough and much more likely to get used. And yes, exercise caution, whether you go affordable or atmospherically priced..
thirdchild October 24, 2011
Got mine in Chinatown, NYC. It's a Benriner and cost $26. Has funny translation instructions.I love the way it cuts fennel, just perfect for salads. I use it quite a lot, and for some reason have never cut myself with it. But give me a good ole knife, and then I get careless.
sdebrango October 24, 2011
I have to get a mandoline, I love the uniformity when slicing. I am such a klutz I have always been afraid of losing a finger or something but with the hand guard and special gloves it sounds safe. Good suggestions here.
tommiefromva October 24, 2011
I bought my Progressive Mandolin Slicer from Amazon last month from Amazon for $14.75. I works and does just what I need.
drbabs October 24, 2011
Actually, I just threw mine away. It was really a piece of junk--I don't remember where I got it--I think from one of those home shopping thngs--it was about 10 years old and the blade had gotten so dull that i took my life in my hands every time I used it. So far I haven't replaced it, but I probably will soon.
dymnyno October 24, 2011
Many years ago , I invested in a large stainless steel state of the art monster. Now I use a Benringer.
Sam1148 October 24, 2011
I second this answer! I had a mid-range mandolin with lots of blades and such I inherited.
It's retired to the junk cabinet. The Benriger is cheap and more of a 'go to' usable item that can fit in the dishwasher and does everything I want it do with far fewer parts and hassle. Not a lot of bells and 'bling' for those, but it gets used a lot.
I think mandolins always require a blood sacrifice---just show you who's boss.
pierino October 24, 2011
My mandoline aka Robspierre is a Matfer but Brun makes good ones too. Per aagersi's comment everyone who has ever owned one has cut themself, so be prepared for that. So far I haven't cut off my own head. It's a ruthlessly efficient tool so treat it with respect.
aargersi October 24, 2011
I love my OXO - easy to use, easy to clean. USE the safety guard! And I wear a kevlar glove too - after I sliced off a chunk of finger, I don't want to risk that happening again
sexyLAMBCHOPx October 25, 2011
Kevlar glove will be on my holiday wishlist. I'm brave enough to use my Benringer, but make sure I'm sober and alert. Good call with the glove.
drbabs October 24, 2011
Here's a whole discussion about mandolines:
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