Posting a recipe to the contest

I posted a recipe to the Punch contest about 15 minutes ago. It appears on My Recipes page, but not on the contest page. I used the Add a Recipe option on the Recipes page, and at the bottom of the completed template, I clicked on Submit to Current Contest, and selected this one.



alexlutz November 8, 2011
Boulangere, the recipe should show up in a bit. It's a caching issue (meaning the page is stored in a static form for a specified period of time before it is updated) which is why you can't see it right away. If the recipe doesn't show up in 30 minutes, please let us know and we'll make sure it gets submitted to the contest. We've made the caching periods longer to address site speed issues--we will be fixing this as soon as we can.
boulangere November 8, 2011
Thank you, Alex, it just appeared. I resubmitted it as hla suggested above, so it may appear twice now. It really only needs to be there once. It took about 45 minutes for it to appear. Thanks for your lovely explanation.
hardlikearmour November 8, 2011
That's odd. Did you try adding it again in the edit function?
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