A friend's mother used to serve a chocolate rum layer cake that was the best thing I ever put in my mouth. Mrs. G was Polish, which may or may not be a key here. As I recall, the cake was three layers high. It may have been four. Filled and iced. She kept it in the refrigerator and sliced it very thin. It was so rich, a skinny slice was plenty.

Mrs. G declined to give out the recipe because she'd once given it to a friend and when the friend's efforts resulted in a flop, she accused Mrs. G of sabotage. It was most upsetting to this lovely, honest, and kind lady.

Anyone have something in her or his repetoire that might come close? Thanks!

  • Posted by: Nora
  • November 7, 2010


Nora November 8, 2010
Thanks, @campagnes. I've tried many times to find a chocolate cake with rum in the batter and you've done it! And I'm so intrigues by the Polish cookbook. Some combination should come close. I'll play, and report the results.

campagnes November 7, 2010
aaaaaaand here's the link that I forgot:

campagnes November 7, 2010
This is a google document of a Polish cookbook.. there are several torte/filling/frosting recipes in there. Perhaps Mrs. G may have made her cake from several of these (or similar) components? (do post back if you find the recipe.. it just sounds so good, I'd love to try it!) :)
campagnes November 7, 2010
I don't suppose this might be something similar?
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