Make Ahead
Hot, sweet, and sour ginger rhubarb
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10 Reviews
May 26, 2015
I go the other way 'round - having no access to Manischevitz I use port at our seders! It makes EXCELLENT charoset!
June 2, 2011
this looks so delicious! If we still have rhubarb at this weekend's market I will give it a try!
May 22, 2011
How did I miss this?! Cannot wait for rhubarb to make it into our markets, always late in Southern CA for some odd reason.
May 22, 2011
Thanks, Liz. This isn't entered into any contest. I have been missing tons of recipes this past month with the call of well, that day job! But this weekend I have unexpected free time with my company now arriving I can cook away!
susan G.
May 22, 2011
It's hot off the stove now, and quite a success. My husband says it's better than anything he's had before made of rhubarb. When the rhubarb is gone, I'm going to try steeping onion slices in it. And I don't think it will last long. One jar goes to the rhubarb grower, and the rest ...awaiting onion?
May 22, 2011
Thanks so much for trying this, susan. Isn't it good? I had thought of onions, too. I think they would make a great addition! No need to worry about any canning issues, because it does go so quickly!
May 22, 2011
I mean I think you could add some onions in with the rhubarb, as well as make separate onion ones, too, if you were out of rhubarb.
susan G.
May 22, 2011
Confession: no port in the house, used Manischevitz. When you think about it, there's a bond!
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