Chimichurri Aioli or Argentine Tartar Sauce
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13 Reviews
May 25, 2011
Soft shell crabs are just about my favorite thing in the world, and with chimichurri? Yum!
May 24, 2011
Oh yum, Linda!! I love chimichurri and pairing with soft shell crab is brilliant.
May 24, 2011
Wow - I love this idea. My Annapolis crabs will definitely be getting this treatment this summer.
Burnt O.
May 24, 2011
Thanks megan - but THREE aoli dips??!! You outdid yourself. I've never had much luck making french fries, but I may have to try yours. I have an overabundance of fresh sugar snap peas from this week's Farmer's Market - they're so good dipped in aoli. I may try a few and start with yours.
May 24, 2011
Love this! My second favorite thing about your lovely state (after the astonishingly high level of lacrosse played there, at all levels) is the soft shelled crabs. It's obvious that this recipe is going to become a favorite here. I plan to make some without the chili -- it's not that I don't like it, but rather, it doesn't like me -- soon, and will report back. Great idea, too, the Champagne vinegar. I make my own Champagne vinegar, so I'm often looking for new ideas on how to use it. Thanks for a great recipe!! ;o)
Burnt O.
May 24, 2011
Thanks! Such a compliment! Yeah - the Champagne vinegar is much softer than the traditional red wine vinegar used in Chimichurri - I really liked it. I'm sure it will taste just fine without the chile powder. That's what was fun about this contest - with egg yolk, oil, garlic, and a little acid, the possibilities are endless. And it's nice that it's a condiment and doesn't steal the show from good, well prepared, Soft Shell Crabs.
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