Petit Waffle Ice Cream Sandwiches
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10 Reviews
June 9, 2011
I know! I'm at an all-time high right now in my weight. Meanwhile my husband has peeled off 25 lbs. I'm happy for him you know, but at the same time - not so much...:-)
June 9, 2011
Its been a long session of Wait watchers for me ever since I got hooked on food52!
June 9, 2011
I picked a bad day to start a diet! I love these and want one right now!!!
June 9, 2011
These look like the perfect bite, and your latest gelato, yum....can't wait to visit Brooklyn again now, too! You should open up a place!
June 9, 2011
Those are so cute! How did you get your waffles so thin? I am definitely going to try these this summer. Hmmmm, maybe Sunday!
June 9, 2011
wow!!, the black berry one is my favorite!
This is one food truck I'd love to chase!
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