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Chocolate-Granola bark
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5 Reviews
Ms. T.
November 11, 2011
Congrats on the CP! This looks great. I never would've thought of adding granola to chocolate bark, but I like the sinner/saint duality--is it a granola bar or is it a candy? Depends on how you spin it!
Kitchen B.
November 14, 2011
Thanks Ms T. Food52 not only improves my cooking, it delights me with literary gems - sinner/saint!
Kitchen B.
November 3, 2011
Thanks ChezSuzanne.
THe move went well - 3 months and finally in a rented house 3 days ago. Which looks ok....considering the litter of brown cardboard boxes. I am SHOCKED at how much stuff we had.....haven't had a chance to cook more than instant noodlesbut looking forward to getting my backside sweating by a hot stove! Take care!
THe move went well - 3 months and finally in a rented house 3 days ago. Which looks ok....considering the litter of brown cardboard boxes. I am SHOCKED at how much stuff we had.....haven't had a chance to cook more than instant noodlesbut looking forward to getting my backside sweating by a hot stove! Take care!
October 27, 2011
I am totally making this one! Looks fabulous. How did your move go??
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