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The Gin Hound
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5 Reviews
Drew D.
July 19, 2014
This is called a Salty Dog. It was invented in 1951. Well a variation on the Salty Dog, hold the salt, add vermouth. I like the tweak though, well done.
April 14, 2014
This looks right up my street - but alas, alack, the medication I am on prohibits anything grapefruit (fruit/juice whatever) it is quite a well-known prohibition if you are taking Statins or other medication, and needs to be taken seriously.
Gaia G.
March 31, 2014
Your Gin recipes make me want to get into Gins. I'm a vodka girl and usually shy away from drinking Gin. No particular reason. Gonna try this recipe, sounds like a Seabreeze with Gin.
March 26, 2014
Easy and delicious. I added a few drops of bitters (Fee Bros Black Walnut) which made it feel less summery and more rainy day Spring.
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