Girl Scout Thin Mint Cheesecake
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6 Reviews
June 29, 2012
Yum!! GS thin mints are my favorite, except by summer I have none left. I am thinking perhaps chocolate wafers and some Andes mints might do the trick for the crust?? Your opinion(s) please :) :)
June 30, 2012
I have Had luck with that same substitUtion....use 3/4 wafers to 1/4 Andes...they seem to have a higher fat content
June 29, 2012
Are you kidding me?? Why oh why do I not have any thin mint cookies!
June 30, 2012
:). Ours are always delivered in February! It's so hard to keep a couple of boxes until his birthday at the end of April! I need to find a council that delivers later in the year! Bootleg or underground suppliers, please message me!
Lacey W.
February 16, 2013
We sell GS cookies and they can be frozen (and still taste great) for up to a year!
June 28, 2012
I just went in and asked my husband if we took a picture of one of his birthday cheesecakes...I made one for his office, then another one for the party...and he says, "feel free to make one tomorrow and I'll take a picture for you !". If only we had another couple of boxes tucked away in the freezer!
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