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Sweet Pea Hummus
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9 Reviews
August 11, 2014
If you use frozen peas, what is the purpose of steaming them? (Or is it just to thaw them, in which case, will microwaving them until defrosted do the trick?)
June 28, 2013
Looks good, and will make it this weekend. But recipes like this, it's better to give volume, rather than servings.
How many cups does this make?
How many cups does this make?
October 24, 2012
Wow, what a great color and the taste of the (green)peas is nice and mellow to balance out the garlic, lemon, etc. This was my first time making hummus and now I'm hooked. Been looking up hummus recipes this evening. How long does homemade hummus normally keep for?
July 29, 2012
I don't have a large food processor or blender. I have a small, simple, one blade unit. Will this work if I do small batches at a time?
Gena H.
August 30, 2012
I don't usually find that it works with a small processor. I'm sorry! Small batches may work, though -- so try it!
I don't usually find that it works with a small processor. I'm sorry! Small batches may work, though -- so try it!
March 29, 2013
I use a small processor all the time to make hummus. When I first tried this, I had no choice -- no full-size processor at that location, so I worked this method out. I put everything but the beans/peas in and whirl until the garlic is pretty much pureed. Then I add the beans/peas and dilute with a little water, if necessary. This has worked well for me for years. It just took a little thought to figure it out, and trial and error -- starting with everything together left me with a lumpy mess with chunks of garlic in it. The processor is pretty full, but not overflowing.
July 15, 2012
Great recipe....I'm trying this afternoon. Seeing Barbara's situation with the about substituting carrots for the peas? I think my second batch will experiment with that. Thanks a million.
Barbara B.
July 15, 2012
This is brilliant! I have childrens' cooking school and through the 25 years of teaching kids to cook, it amazes me that they ALWAYS will eat homemade hummus. The sweet peas are a colorful and healthy addition, thank you. I'll be making this in our cooking camp soon!
Barbara Beery, owner Foodie Kids. Austin TX.
Barbara Beery, owner Foodie Kids. Austin TX.
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