Roasted Slap Chip Fries with Srirachannaise
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29 Reviews
Gabriel O.
February 12, 2015
Oh man, look so good. Love that sriracha sauce! I have a recipe with a mole spice rub for the potatoes that you guys might be interested in -
A M.
January 28, 2015
These sound amazing! Perfect addition to the goodies I'm serving for Super Bowl!
August 27, 2014
Shouldn't the name of this recipe be "Slab" fries and not "Slap" fries? Aren't the fries made from slabs of potatoes? If not, I don't understand what "slap" means in relation to oven fries.
August 28, 2014
:) The name should not be "slab" instead of "slap" fries. I use the word slap intentionally to provide a unique name for my specific recipe. While I could say "Oven-roasted potatoes fries with herbs and spices" or "Spiced, herbed baked fries", "Slap fries" is always how I refer to these. How they became "slap fries" is long story. But, in the end, it's just a name. I hope that helps clear the confusion. Take care!
July 13, 2014
These were INCREDIBLE. I subbed Aleppo pepper for the chili and wound up baking them for about 50 minutes. When I pulled them out, they were crisp and delicious. Skipped the dipping sauce and served these with homemade burgers for the perfect summer meal. Thanks for a wonderful way to make fries without all the hot oil and mess!
July 16, 2014
Fantastic! I'm glad you enjoyed these. I can't wait to try the fries with Aleppo pepper.
Bori V.
May 14, 2014
I like it! I do it without the salt, I think it is crispier that way...( salt only when eating them).....where did you get the glass for the sauce? Do you know, what is it used originally?
July 16, 2014
I'm glad you liked the fries! Good idea regarding the salting after baking for additional crispness. With respect to the glass for the dipping sauce, I do not know where it came from since Food52 took that picture. My dipping sauce glass is different. It is a little glass bowl.
Bettina G.
July 22, 2015
Bori, that's an oven-proof glass from Germany - Jenaer Glass, and this one is used for a special egg dish. You close it with a glass lid and put it in a pot with boiling water for some minutes. look at this link in ebay:
Jenaer Glass Eierkoch!
Jenaer Glass Eierkoch!
October 7, 2013
I make baked French fries often. Two tricks: 1-use non-stick foil, the fries won't stick and only need one stir or turn half way through. 2-Place the baking sheet on the bottom rack set at the lowest position during the preheat and then bake on the bottom rack for nice crispy fries, great use of the extra heat at in the cellar of the oven.
April 6, 2014
Thanks for the tip on baking on the bottom rack, that made a huge difference! My fries turn out perfect now.
August 21, 2012
Congrats on being a finalist! These look and sound delicious, especially the spice mix!
August 21, 2012
I'm very partial towards the combination of sriracha sauce and mayo. Great recipe and congratulations on becoming a finalist.
August 16, 2012
Congrats on being a finalist. These look delicious! I can never pass up a sriracha mayo.
August 16, 2012
Could cut the potatoes by dragging them along the fretboard of the mandolin. Would'nt do the mandolin any good however.
August 16, 2012
Congrats on being a finalist! We always use a sriracha mayo for sweet potato fries- especially when serving with steak since you can "accidentally" get the mayo on the steak too which does not suck at all....These sound tasty.
August 16, 2012
Thank you! I will have to try the sriracha mayo with sweet potato fries (I looooove roasted sweet potato fries).
August 3, 2012
By the way, you want to use a mandoline not a mandolin. The former is a food slicer and the latter is a musical instrument in the lute family (and not so easy to use for food slicing). :D
August 17, 2012
Arrrgggh! I should have read these notes first. I can't clean all the potato off the strings of my mandolin! Could be worse. At least the recipe isn't onion rings.
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