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Concord grape sorbet
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3 Reviews
October 5, 2022
Hello! I see I am 5 years late foe finding this exquisite recipe, but nonetheless am.gping to make it today. I am just wondering for how many hours you should freeze then re-blend the sorbet. It only says do this every hour or so but it doesn't say for how long or how many times you need to repeat this to gwt the right texture and be done. Thanks!
Titian T.
October 16, 2016
Your ingredients are right on but your amounts are completely off. Just sayin'. Great idea with the vodka, though. It lowers the freezing point, genius! There is no way 2.5 cups of grapes will yield the 2.5 cups of pure grape juice according to your recipe since you are discarding seeds, pulp, etc. after straining. 2.5 cups of Concord grapes is about 1 lb. of weight, so I used 2 lbs. of grapes with the listed amounts of the rest of the ingredients. Also, probably should give a note of caution about using an immersion blender in a shallow vessel such as a cake pan. You could have purple walls in your kitchen (maybe not a bad thing, great color and all). Consider blending in a mixing bowl each time and then transferring back to the cake pan. Or... use a regular blender and transfer back to the cake pan and then back in the freezer.
October 16, 2016
Hi Titian Terror. Thank you for pointing this out - it should read 2.5 pounds (not cups) of de-stemmed grapes.
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