5 Ingredients or Fewer
Homemade Labneh
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13 Reviews
October 8, 2018
I have found several types of za'atar in my local grocery store. Can you give me any hints to which one I should try? (There is one called Jerusalem)
September 16, 2017
it turned out very well... recently I moved from the mid east back to Pakistan and was perturbed at the prospect of not getting my fresh labneh for my breakfast... after not finding it on the usual market shelves....i started toying with the idea of DIY..... came here and hit gold...!
Rivka....thanx for this special favor....thumbs pal... may you have many more...:))
Rivka....thanx for this special favor....thumbs pal... may you have many more...:))
September 17, 2017
So glad to hear this worked for you! I've never had Pakistani labneh, but I'd love to try it one day.
bonnie W.
June 10, 2015
I'm relatively new to the world of labneh,found the best homemade at an international market in Houston. Really, really luv it with fresh figs and honey. Figs r out of season so I've just tried fresh peaches and honey! Wow , throw a few chopped pecans on top and truly delicious breakfast. Trying your recipe tomorrow!
August 22, 2014
i've been using a strainer and greek yogurt to make "yogurt cheese", which has a chevre-like consistency. gonna try the lemon & salt and see how it goes!
Grandma L.
October 2, 2012
Is there a particular za’atar you recommend? Thanks!
December 9, 2013
Sorry I'm so late to this comment! Don't know how I missed it. Mine is from Israel, so unfortunately I don't know a good American brand. I'd recommend buying it some place where you can smell it beforehand. If you don't have that option, I'd put my money on Kalustyan's having a good one, and you can order from them online.
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