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Tea with Honey and Lemon Compound Butter
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35 Reviews
April 30, 2018
I think this would be amazing in London Fog Cookies. I would use Earl Grey tea...
December 4, 2013
I'm most certainly making this for christmas gifts this year. YUM!
November 6, 2013
Making this now. For those of you who brew loose leaf tea (the best way), there is about 1 teaspoon (just shy) in a tea bag but my loose leaf tea is coarser so needs a run through a grinder. I took a bag apart of cheap tea because I wanted to use some of my wonderful loose leaf Dilmah Earl Grey Tea in this recipe and now I know (and so do you). Can't wait for toast in the morning.
August 29, 2013
I was looking for a creative use for tea. Thank-you, for this!! I can't wait to try it :)
March 14, 2013
Perfect for high tea! Super creative and delish. But it makes 1 lb not 1/2lb as the recipes indicates (it uses two 1/2 lbs of butter together). That's ok though -- it freezes so you can enjoy it even longer. :)
March 14, 2013
i've asked the editors to change that in the recipe, as once it became a finalize it i could no longer edit it on my own. thanks for the reminder though!
sel E.
March 13, 2013
looks amazing! will try this pronto. how long does it keep though?
March 13, 2013
i made the version in the photo above the day i submitted the recipe and it's still in my fridge without any issues. so, i'd say it will keep quite a long time - however as le bec fin says, i'm sure it would freeze well too.
sel E.
March 13, 2013
Yay congrats thefood! Can't wait to make it this weekend. Thanks for the freezing tip.
LeBec F.
March 12, 2013
While I am continually excited by the number of talented chefs on 52, it is very rare to see a recipe as innovative as this one. It takes a number of counts of 'thinking outside the box' to come up with adding tea concentrate AND ground tea leaves- to a compound butter. Were you inspired by another recipe or did this all come to 'you at your most creative'? What it has inspred me to think about- is partially mentioned in your closing comments>>What about replacing plain butter with a tea butter in a cake (or pastry)recipe...AND in a Swiss or Italian buttercream?!!! I use espresso powder in sweets aLOT , both becaue I love the flavor and because it helps counter the too-sweet aspect of many desserts.For this contest, i was pretty much focused on Green Tea in desserts (for the same reasons as espresso), but now I think it's time I experimented with black teas in some of the same ways!
Thai tea, Lychee, Jasmine- here i come!
thx so much for the inspiration, and congrats on your skills with conceptual blockbusting :-}
Thai tea, Lychee, Jasmine- here i come!
thx so much for the inspiration, and congrats on your skills with conceptual blockbusting :-}
March 13, 2013
thank you for your comment le bec fin! to answer your question, i knew that i wanted to make something unique for this contest, and i partially thought i was crazy when i came up with the idea of compound butter. i ran it past my partner (who is a chef) and she said i wasn't crazy! at first i only added the ground tea, but adding the deeply steeped tea took the butter over the edge. i still have some butter leftover and have plans to turn it into a cake or biscuits tonight!
LeBec F.
March 13, 2013
would really appreciate your posting your results, as they will certainly help me when i sashay into this experiment!
March 11, 2013
This looks spectacular. And I recognize those little crisps you have in your picture :) love those. I can't wait to make this this weekend. Well done.
March 13, 2013
i can't get those crisps where i live unfortunately :( a family member sends them evertime someone visits her! soooo delish!
phoebe's P.
March 10, 2013
this was amazing! served it for dinner guests and they adored it with the mini biscuits ... so glad there was a tad bit left for me... breakfast can't come soon enough!
March 9, 2013
Congratulations, These butters can really be wonderful-I like your combinations. I did one for persimmons. But I didn't have such a great closing line. Pinkies up!
March 8, 2013
Congratulations! This looks so delicious, and definitely perfect to slather on warm scones!
Kitchen B.
March 8, 2013
Loved this from the start, tested it and am thrilled to see it in the finals - it is absolutely delicious. Very well done!
March 7, 2013
Congratulations, thefood! I have a question for you about the amount. You say to use 1/2 pound of salted butter and 1/2 pound of unsalted butter. Wouldn't that equal a pound, not a half pound? Thanks.
March 7, 2013
Congratulations on being a finalist! What a lovely and clever way to elevate offerings at tea time (or any time, really!).
March 7, 2013
oh my goodness!! wildcard last week and finalist that week i am BEYOND elated!!!!!
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