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Watermelon-Habanero Lemonade Thrills
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7 Reviews
May 14, 2019
This is such a yummy drink! We increased the watermelon to lemon ratio as we wanted the drink to be more watermelon-y than lemonade. We didn't find the habaneros too spicy at all; in fact, they added a nice sweetness to the drink and a soft, slight heat finish.
June 29, 2016
Slicing the lemons into thin half moons and mashing them with the sugar sounds like a "doing it the hard way" kind of a thing. Does this produce a different taste than just juicing the lemons?
June 30, 2016
It definitely produces a prettier effect with the lemon slices suspended throughout the drink, and you also release some of the oils in the lemon peel that wouldn't make it in the drink without macerating and mashing them up a bit. Even if you do skip that step and juice them, I think it'd still be a pretty fantastic end product. :)
Chris V.
August 17, 2019
You can definitely just use good old lemon juice. But I love the complexity added by mashing sugar with the different parts of the lemon.
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