Seafood Laksa
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2 Reviews
July 8, 2015
Yes, laksa is eaten in Thailand but it's from Malaysia and Indonesia. The recipe does look very authentic.
April 7, 2015
This is a recipe I would make again. To be frank, the broth doesn't taste like the different kinds of laksa I've had in Malaysia and Singapore but it's still tasty, warm comfort food. (How can you go wrong with coconut milk involved?) I skipped the vegetable relish (lazy Monday night!) and used chicken since that's what I had on hand but otherwise followed the recipe exactly. The night I made it, I thought it tasted very similar to the Burmese Noodle Bowl that's so popular on I had leftovers the next day and the flavors came out stronger and I enjoyed it even more. I could see making this again with some jasmine rice. Also four chillies seemed like a lot but the heat comes down a lot when you mix it with noodles. I'd say you could probably up it to six chillies if you really like spicy food. The next time I attempt laksa I may try a different recipe I found (below) but I thought this was tasty and am somewhat surprised this isn't more popular on the website. Thanks for sharing!
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