One-Pot Wonders
Crispy Stuffed Lamb Belly with Blood Orange Sauce
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11 Reviews
Vanessa H.
February 16, 2020
Made this for dinner. we raise sheep and had two, a lamb and a wether, butchered a week or so ago. We were surprised by two lamb bellies, and put one to good use. The other remains in the deep freeze and we will make this again. We ate it with mashed potatoes and a simple side salad. great!
Vanessa H.
February 17, 2020
Great food always lives on! I work hard to eat head to tail as well, and this recipe is a keeper!
November 16, 2019
Made this yesterday but it is SO much better today! After the sauce had cooled, I was able to remove the fat. I heated up, slowly, a couple of slices of the joint, bathed in the fat removed sauce. Served with mashed potatoes, green beans and peas. Delicious! Still have enough for 2 more helpings!
Burnt O.
June 27, 2011
OMG - I was searching for a stuffed pepper recipe and this came up because of "stuffed" - I am SO making this next Easter or sooner! Thanks! I doubt I can readily find belly, so I may use loin, but love the flavor profile!
March 18, 2010
So glad Thirschfeld gave this recipe the thumbs-up! Hopefully it will encourage more of you to give lamb belly a try. I am usually not a huge lamb fan, but these flavors do it for me.
March 5, 2010
This looks fantastic. Where to I get a lamb belly? Well, other than from the lamb. Seriously, I've never run across this cut before, but you are right, this is a natural fit.
March 5, 2010
I think a specialty butcher shop is your best bet. Before it came into vogue with all the other "secondary" cuts (pork belly, lamb neck, etc), I think this was called "lamb breast." It has the same fatty quality as pork belly and can also be cured like bacon.
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