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Grandma Evie's Jewish Penicillin
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9 Reviews
November 14, 2020
I found this recipe last year. I have have made it multiple times. This is one of my favorite recipes.
Thank you so much for sharing. It is fabulous
Thank you so much for sharing. It is fabulous
December 10, 2013
My mom and aunt did the pouring mistake with gravy years ago and still occasionally bicker over whose fault it was.
April 22, 2010
I have done the strain the liquid down the drain trick too....what a frustrating cooking misstep!
April 22, 2010
I love this, too. (especially the Jewish Bouqet garni, and your story about dumping the soup--that sounds like something I would do!)
July 19, 2010
Thanks for your nice comments! I don't know how I didn't see this until now...
April 22, 2010
Love it! Never thought to add sweet potatoes but it is defintely a "must try" now, plus I love the cook's prerogative
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