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7 Reviews
June 26, 2023
Wishing I would have read other reviews before making this. I had never used gelatin in ice cream/frozen yogurt, so I didn’t have context for how much is too much to add. I’ll tell ya - THIS is too much. Like someone else said - it’s like jello but made with milk. Quite gnarly!!!!
Laura L.
February 10, 2015
This was bad! WAY too much gelatin, and the taste was horrendous! I love my mint chocolate chip, but this was just yuck..had the texture of jello, but made with milk..gross!
Sarah H.
September 2, 2013
Just made this. Tasted awful! Not sure if I used too much gelatin. It was less than the 4 tablespoons called for. The consistency was like eating grease. Yuck!!
August 12, 2010
Yaaaaay! I'm so glad you posted this. I've been having great fun making fruit-based frozen yogurt, but have been thinking it would be wonderful to make a chocolate mint. Thank you so much!! ;o)
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