Make Ahead
Zesty Chicken Salad
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4 Reviews
Heather H.
June 21, 2016
I served this over toasted soughsough bread with avocado and salt. Soooo gooood!!!! The lemon zest is fantastic in this recipe! Saving<3
Wilde K.
June 20, 2012
After reading this recipe I found myself wanting chicken salad. It was a hot day and I didn't want to heat up the kitchen. Even the BF who doesn't eat anything with any kind of fruit in it liked so much that he requested it for lunch the next day! I totally forgot the lemon zest. It still was great. Love Love it. Vielen Dank.
July 9, 2011
I made this tonight for dinner over a salad with some roasted potatoes. Everyone loved it. It's a very simple twist on a classic. Good call with the lemon zest. Thanks for sharing :)
February 20, 2011
The lemon zest and celery seed really were a nice touch. I enjoyed this on a toasted english muffin on a picnic!
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