Doctor Who-Inspired Cardamom Custard Mousse
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11 Reviews
September 27, 2011
Hooray! Another Doctor Who fan! We are few and far between here on food52.
This is more mousse-y than pudding-y, so keep that in mind. I really like the lovely fluffiness of the texture. Do let me know if you give it a go!
This is more mousse-y than pudding-y, so keep that in mind. I really like the lovely fluffiness of the texture. Do let me know if you give it a go!
September 26, 2011
Fantastic! I had fishsticks and custard with friends a few months ago and the custard was just all wrong. I will have to give this a try next time we all get together for a Doctor Who marathon
February 21, 2011
Love the recipe title and headnote. It made me smile. Recipe looks great. I will have to try it. My daughter is too young to appreciate Dr. Who, but she is a fish stick lover.
February 21, 2011
Love every single word. My husband is a huge Dr. Who fan and when I tell him we'll have custard for the fish sticks, he'll be thrilled. Thanks, Liz!
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