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March 15, 2016
A coffee shop has almost everything I love: Dainty mugs, Good coffee, people come and go and interactions, the options to sit and chill or plug in and do work surrounded by just a slight buzz. It is my dream to have a coffee shop that people visit and leave wonderful memories. This article is so great and offer some points to consider! :D Thanks
February 21, 2016
We open at 6am, catching those charming dog walkers, surfers and lycra squad. We need gentle music, great views, happy staff, delicious food and drink...We figure that's what our customers need.
October 5, 2015
I like a coffee shop that conveniently also offers excellent motorcycles, custom surfboards, and related kit, with beautiful outdoor seating: https://instagram.com/p/68PKM4mB2h/?taken-by=howmothercooks In fact, this place--Deus Ex Machina in Venica, CA--sort of opens up one entire side of the building, so you just walk through the outdoor seating area out back into the shop. Excellent pastries and great staff keep us coming back for more. Bonus points for branding as "The Emporium for Postmodern Activities," and little succulent gardens planted in driftwood that decorate the big picnic table seating. ;o)
October 4, 2015
I own a little coffee shop/bakery, and really liked this article. I try to create an environment, and of course products, that our customers will enjoy. So many of the elements listed in the article seem like give and take to me, customer to owner. Example, I play some music, someone comments on it, so that goes on our playlist. When we experiment with a new bean, beer or pastry constructive customer input is great. I honestly don't mind people working at a table for 6 all alone...when they realize that they are taking 6 seats and using the WIFI that I pay for, and purchase items accordingly. The dislikes on the list seem to come in the same way- rude customers do not get sweet service. Most of our customers are great...its the person who asks for a cookieccino like at Starbucks, or cashew milk and then sighs at me with pity, because I am just a poor ignorant little mountain girl who doesn't understand that cashew milk is ESSENTIAL that tend to get short service.
The B.
October 2, 2015
Great article. Having just moved from the Northwest, I'm in search of the perfect coffee shop as well. The coffee is paramount, of course. I have a list I go through with new places. If I enjoy a simple black coffee on my first visit, I'll go back and order a Cappuccino. If that passes the test (which I realize is arbitrarily subjective), I consider it a worthy regular stop-in. After that I explore Americanos, Chai Lattes, other roasts, house blends, etc... I agree about the mugs; eclectic is cool and ceramic, essential. I even have a hard time taking paper when I'm on-the-go because it's wasteful. And any place who uses a second cup or a Styrofoam sleeve to protect from the heat doesn't get a second look from me. I'll do my best to not even use a cardboard sleeve if possible. A place to plop is great and some snacks make the whole experience great. I'm not one to spend more than a couple hours there, even if I am plugged in electrically and wifi-ly, because I hate when someone sits at a table in a full café for an hour and a half with an empty espresso cup. Always have a drink or something to eat. If I'm done, I give myself about 10-15 minutes to finish my conversation and give my table to someone else.
October 1, 2015
Coffee: Dark strong and stormy is one person's idea of one kind of good coffee. Variety suggests a honey-process coffee or a complex Ethiopian as well. Mugs: I'm infatuated with heavy diner mugs. Food: Bear in mind that in-house puts a heavy burden on the coffee shop's infrastructure. And the baker will usually leave. Order the pastry from a good bakery. Wifi+outlets: Don't camp out. Again, that's a burden on the shop and somewhat selfish. Would you expect to hang at your favorite restaurant for 4 hours sucking down their electricity and paying 10 bucks? When you battery goes, you go. Buying beans to order is great. Sometimes I don't want a 12oz bag. Or sometimes I'd like to try a 1/4 lb a week of different coffees.
I'm also partial to late hours but I know that's not always feasible in this day of "no caffeine after 2pm" habits.
I'm also partial to late hours but I know that's not always feasible in this day of "no caffeine after 2pm" habits.
October 1, 2015
The staff makes a big difference too. I've been to cafes that had pretty much everything else I would want (great coffee, plenty of seating, great ambiance), but didn't return since the staff was rude.
October 1, 2015
Ditto on real mugs. Check out Pinhole Coffee in the Bernal Heights hood of SF. JoEllen shop mural is by her brother; the bake goods by Little Bee (baker is ex-Chez Panisse) and ceramic cups are made by a Berkeley artist JoEllen met as one of Blue Bottle's first employees. And, the coffee is excellent. She makes kiduccinos for little people.
Rebecca A.
October 1, 2015
Love love LOVE this post. I am slightly obsessed with finding the 'perfect' coffee shop for me (although good coffee isn't one of my requirements - I drink tea - but generally, if somewhere serves tasty coffee that's a good sign, admittedly!). I lived in Belfast a year ago, and they had SO many great places to go. One of my main gripes with Edinburgh coffee shops is that none (really, none) are open late. If they are, they are a cafe-bar, and things get too 'bar-y' after about 4pm. I also like somewhere where I can work without feeling like a spectacle. My work is often making jewellery, and truly, I don't do it to get noticed! So table space, and a comfy corner I can tuck myself into, and several others who are there, alone, working at something or other. Not much to ask, surely?!
Wendy J.
September 30, 2015
Great article! Being able to buy the coffee freshly ground is another sign of a great coffee shop. You can enjoy the coffee at home when you can't get to the shop.
September 30, 2015
Amazing coffee, dairy alternative "milks", great music, wifi and that cozy feeling
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